When children are between the ages of 8 and 12, parents often ask dermatologists this question. If you’re a parent trying to answer this question, you’ve come to the right place. In three easy steps, you can figure out how often a child between 8 and 12 years of age needs to shampoo. Step 1: Consider your child’s traits To determine how often your child needs to shampoo, you first need to consider your child’s: Hair type (straight, curly, oily, dry) Age Activity level Step 2: Find your child’s traits on the following chart Shampoo guidelines: Children 8 to 12 years old Shampoo every other day or daily 12 years of age or starting puberty Oily, straight hair Active: Plays outdoors, plays sports, or swims Exception: Hair is dry and curly Shampoo 1 or 2 times per week 8 to 11 years of age Exception: Hair is dry and curly Shampoo every 7 to 10 days Dry and curly hair, even hair with braids or weaves After heavy sweating or swimming, rinse and condition the hair Step 3: Fine tune to get
Unique in appearance and structure, Black people's hair is especially fragile and prone to injury and damage. More than half of African American women will cite thinning hair or hair loss as their top hair concern. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to help minimize damage and keep your hair beautiful. Woman with natural hair smiling while brushing her hair To help keep Black hair healthy, dermatologists recommend the following tips: Wash your hair once a week or every other week. This will help prevent build-up of hair care products, which can be drying to the hair. Use conditioner. Use conditioner every time you wash your hair. Be sure to coat the ends of the hair with conditioner, as the ends are the oldest and most fragile part of your hair. Use a hot oil treatment twice a month. This adds additional moisture and elasticity to your hair. Use a heat protecting product before styling. Adding this to wet hair before styling will help minimize heat damage. Use caution with rel