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 When children are between the ages of 8 and 12, parents often ask dermatologists this question. If you’re a parent trying to answer this question, you’ve come to the right place.  In three easy steps, you can figure out how often a child between 8 and 12 years of age needs to shampoo.  Step 1: Consider your child’s traits To determine how often your child needs to shampoo, you first need to consider your child’s: Hair type (straight, curly, oily, dry) Age Activity level Step 2: Find your child’s traits on the following chart Shampoo guidelines: Children 8 to 12 years old Shampoo every other day or daily 12 years of age or starting puberty Oily, straight hair Active: Plays outdoors, plays sports, or swims Exception: Hair is dry and curly Shampoo 1 or 2 times per week 8 to 11 years of age Exception: Hair is dry and curly Shampoo every 7 to 10 days Dry and curly hair, even hair with braids or weaves After heavy sweating or swimming, rinse and condition the hair Step 3: Fine tune to get

Symptoms of Late Stage Metastatic Breast Cancer

 Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer

If the cancer is confined to the breast, it’s usually easy to treat. If it has spread, it becomes more difficult to treat. That’s why early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are so important.

If breast cancer is diagnosed at a later stage, there may be symptoms that appear in addition to those present with earlier stage breast cancer, such as skin changes, nipple discharge, or a lump in the breast.

Metastasis in the bones

If breast cancer has spread to your bones, symptoms may includeTrusted Source:

bone pain

pain in the joints, which can worsen after activity

weakened bones that are more likely to fracture

Metastasis in the brain

If breast cancer has spread to your brain, you may experienceTrusted Source:

headaches that are sometimes persistent or severe

possible seizures

behavior changes

vision problems

nausea and vomiting

difficulty walking or balancing

difficulty moving certain parts of your body

general weakness


speech changes

Metastasis in the lungs

If breast cancer has spread to your lungs, symptoms may includeTrusted Source:

a chronic dry cough that may get worse


difficulty catching your breath

shortness of breath

chest pain


feeling weak or tired

coughing up blood or rust-colored spit or phlegm

Metastasis in the liver

If breast cancer has spread to your liver, you may experienceTrusted Source:

yellowing of the skin (jaundice)

weight loss

lack of appetite and feeling full after a small meal

vomiting or nausea

abdominal pain

pain near your right shoulder blade

a feeling of fullness under your ribs on the right side due to an enlarged liver

itchy skin


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