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 When children are between the ages of 8 and 12, parents often ask dermatologists this question. If you’re a parent trying to answer this question, you’ve come to the right place.  In three easy steps, you can figure out how often a child between 8 and 12 years of age needs to shampoo.  Step 1: Consider your child’s traits To determine how often your child needs to shampoo, you first need to consider your child’s: Hair type (straight, curly, oily, dry) Age Activity level Step 2: Find your child’s traits on the following chart Shampoo guidelines: Children 8 to 12 years old Shampoo every other day or daily 12 years of age or starting puberty Oily, straight hair Active: Plays outdoors, plays sports, or swims Exception: Hair is dry and curly Shampoo 1 or 2 times per week 8 to 11 years of age Exception: Hair is dry and curly Shampoo every 7 to 10 days Dry and curly hair, even hair with braids or weaves After heavy sweating or swimming, rinse and condition the hair Step 3: Fine tune to get

When Is a Breast Lump Benign?

 What does a benign breast lump feel like?

It’s not always obvious whether a breast lump is benign or cancerous just from a self-exam. However, there are some subtle differences that may indicate a benign breast lump.

A benign breast lump can feel many different ways to the touch, depending on the cause. For example, they may:

range in feel from soft to firm

feel rubbery

be movable

feel round or oval-shaped with well-defined borders

feel tender or slightly painful

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS)Trusted Source, breast cancer lumps are more likely to be painless and feel hard with irregular edges. However, the ACS also notes that it’s possible for it to feel tender or painful, soft, or round as well.

Because of this, it’s important to see your doctor for any new breast lump that you find during a self-exam. They can do further tests to help determine if your lump is benign or cancerous.

How can you tell if a breast lump is benign?

You can’t tell for sure that a breast lump is benign without further evaluation from your doctor. If you notice a new breast lump during a breast self-exam, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it.

Many benign breast conditions that cause breast lumps are associated with pain or tenderness. In contrast, breast cancer causes pain less oftenTrusted Source.

When you meet with your doctor, they’ll review your medical history. They’ll likely ask about:

when you first noticed the lump

if there have been any noticeable changes to the lump, such as increases in size

if you have any other symptoms, such as nipple discharge or changes to the skin of your breast or nipple

whether or not you have a personal or family history of breast cancer

the type of medications you’ve been taking

Your doctor will then do a breast exam, during which they evaluate both of your breasts. They’ll note various features of your breast lump, such as its:


location in your breast

consistency or texture


Imaging tests will also be ordered to further assess your breast lump. These can include a mammogram, ultrasound, or both. If imaging suggests your lump may be cancerous, a breast biopsy can be done to check a sample of cells for the presence of cancer.


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